Monday, September 30, 2013

WOW Winners and Fund Raising Incentives!

Congratulations to those students who are the first winners of the WOW AWARD from our class for this school year.  This month's theme was FOCUS ON LEARNING.  These students are hard working, display a positive attitude, are always prepared for class, know when to turn recess off and "get into the zone", follow instructions completely and accurately, and eagerly participate in everything.  WAY TO GO BROMLEIGH, SARAH, and LUKE!!!

Last week our class brainstormed ideas that would encourage them to sell as much cookie dough as possible.  I took their ideas into consideration and have decided on the following incentives:
  • If the entire class sells 22 packages (average of one each) they will have earned an extended recess and one day of no homework plus they may choose one more from the following list:  wear a hat inside, chew gum for the day, sport crazy hair for the day.
  • If the entire class sells 44 packages (average of two each) they will have earned an ice cream sundae party.
  • If the entire class sells 66 packages (average of three each) they will have earned a pizza party (three pieces of pizza and a drink).
  • If the entire class sells 88 packages or more (average of four + packages each) they will have earned ALL OF THE ABOVE!  

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