Sunday, September 29, 2013

Literacy Workstations

Guided Reading with Mrs. Lapico
Working with Dialogue
Buddy Reading
We are in the middle of working in our first round of literacy workstations during our literacy block.  Students are divided into small groups and assigned to one or more workstations daily where they have the opportunity to practise the skills that have been taught during this unit.  This also allows the opportunity for me to work with small groups at guided reading.  A few times a week, Mrs. Lapico also works in our room with a guided reading group.  During guided reading, the students are grouped based on their skills and needs and work with me on a specific reading selection.  We have to opportunity to practise the skills being taught in this unit also, as well as stretching their reading skills and hopefully allowing for improvement.  Ask your child what they do at each centre.
Math Practice/ Computer Workstation
Listening Workstation

Grammar Workstation

Writing Workstation

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