Monday, September 09, 2013

Health Homework - It's Good for your Health!

Today we initiated our first health unit of study related to personal safety and internet usage.  In the attempt to keep you, the parents informed about our work in the classroom AND how to help your child(ren) stay safe while using the internet, I have attached a parent letter for your perusal.  Please go to the Parents' Place page of this site and read "Health Parent Letter 1".  After reading the letter, please write in your child's agenda "I have read health letter 1" and sign it.  This is due by Wednesday September 11, 2013.  I also encourage you to check out the website designed for parents on this topic.  It seems that children are receiving personal electronic devices (PEDs) at younger and younger ages and they have much easier access to the internet than ever before.  It is our obligation as informed adults to monitor their activity and keep them safe.  If you are interested in creating a contract that you and your child(ren) agree on try this link to another great site that will assist you!

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