Tuesday, September 03, 2013

What a Day!

We had a great day!  It is very nice to work with a class that is just the perfect size - 22 students.  One of the warm up activities that we did today is called "Math About Me".  First the students worked individually on their own "placemat",

...then we worked with a partner to share facts about ourselves through math.  Check it out and ask your child about it!

Here are some reminders. Please check your child's agenda.  Here you will find a label that instructs how you can access our class website and subscribe to the daily blog to receive instant updates.   You will also find a welcome letter from me.  Included in this is some homework that I ask parents to do.  This homework is accessible from the Parents' Place page of our website, download it, fill it in, and return it by Friday September 6, 2013.  Please let me know if this presents any challenges.  The students can also fill in and return the good news ticket that is found on the welcome letter.  I am also requesting that $8 be sent in as soon as possible to defray the cost of your child's agenda.  Thanks in advance!

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