Thursday, September 05, 2013

How Much Can We Pack into one School Day?

For the last two days our class has been working in groups to create lists - success criteria really - that outline what good students do and what good teachers do.  We examined all of the lists and decided on the common elements and the most important ideas which were condensed into one list for each topic.  Our final product will be our Classroom Contract which will be unveiled tomorrow.

While participating in this task, I introduced our class to one of my philosophies:  Fair is not Equal.  Ask your child about it.  Can they tell you what it means?

We also used a mentor text today to introduce narratives, connections, and our first writing task.  The students were asked to write a paragraph about their summer vacation.  This diagnostic task (as them what that means too!) will provide me with important information regarding the students' existing skills and areas we need to work on.

Please check over, correct, and sign your child's Student Registration Verification form.  We did not write this in our agenda, because we received them late this afternoon, after updating our agenda.  Thank you very m uch

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