Monday, September 23, 2013

Cookie Dough Order Alert!

On Thursday our students were sent home with a cookie dough order form that has a blue cover letter attached.  This letter introduces our school fund raiser and outlines the timeline that we will be adhering to.    Please be aware that there is a minor error on the order form that was provided by English Bay.  A vertical line is missing that would divide the double chocolate section from the sugar cookies section.  Please add that line before you begin selling the cookie dough.  This will ensure that your customers receive the product that they desire, eliminating guess work.  Our kick-off assembly, introducing this initiative, will be held on Friday morning.  Feel free to begin selling at your earliest convenience! Stay tuned for more details.

More new activities were introduced in the gym today.  Ask your child about follow-the-leader warm ups, and "Fire on the Mountain".  Check out the photos below.

 Congratulations to Sarah who earned a Good News ticket for her hard work in the gym today!  Keep it up!

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