Monday, September 30, 2013

WOW Winners and Fund Raising Incentives!

Congratulations to those students who are the first winners of the WOW AWARD from our class for this school year.  This month's theme was FOCUS ON LEARNING.  These students are hard working, display a positive attitude, are always prepared for class, know when to turn recess off and "get into the zone", follow instructions completely and accurately, and eagerly participate in everything.  WAY TO GO BROMLEIGH, SARAH, and LUKE!!!

Last week our class brainstormed ideas that would encourage them to sell as much cookie dough as possible.  I took their ideas into consideration and have decided on the following incentives:
  • If the entire class sells 22 packages (average of one each) they will have earned an extended recess and one day of no homework plus they may choose one more from the following list:  wear a hat inside, chew gum for the day, sport crazy hair for the day.
  • If the entire class sells 44 packages (average of two each) they will have earned an ice cream sundae party.
  • If the entire class sells 66 packages (average of three each) they will have earned a pizza party (three pieces of pizza and a drink).
  • If the entire class sells 88 packages or more (average of four + packages each) they will have earned ALL OF THE ABOVE!  

Sunday, September 29, 2013

Literacy Workstations

Guided Reading with Mrs. Lapico
Working with Dialogue
Buddy Reading
We are in the middle of working in our first round of literacy workstations during our literacy block.  Students are divided into small groups and assigned to one or more workstations daily where they have the opportunity to practise the skills that have been taught during this unit.  This also allows the opportunity for me to work with small groups at guided reading.  A few times a week, Mrs. Lapico also works in our room with a guided reading group.  During guided reading, the students are grouped based on their skills and needs and work with me on a specific reading selection.  We have to opportunity to practise the skills being taught in this unit also, as well as stretching their reading skills and hopefully allowing for improvement.  Ask your child what they do at each centre.
Math Practice/ Computer Workstation
Listening Workstation

Grammar Workstation

Writing Workstation

Saturday, September 28, 2013

Good News

Congratulations to this week's Good News ticket winners:  Lindsay, Julianne, and Sarah.  Keep up the great work!

Friday, September 27, 2013

Terry Fox Walk

What a day we had!  No, we didn't do "nothing" as many students likely tell their parents when they ask.  This morning we learned at an assembly which houseleague team we are on.  Houseleague activities begin October 1.  Thanks to Mr. Cowan for getting us "off to the races".

This afternoon we participated in our Terry Fox walk.  We walked for approximately 3 km.  It is my understanding that our school raised over $400 for cancer research.  Although we were walking for the cause and a variety of people we know who are cancer survivors and/or currently undergoing treatment for this terrible disease, most of us were honouring Emma Pizzutti and Kevin Siddal today.  Check out the photos!

Thursday, September 26, 2013

Science Researchers

We have been using a variety of resources to research organisms that can be found in a habitat of our choice.  In the Learning Pit, we use print materials, chrome books, and the PCs/Macs to discover the wide variety of organisms that can be found in just one habitat.  Since we are working in groups, we are using the "jigsaw" method, which means that each person in the group is responsible for the research relating to one or more kingdoms (monera, protist, plant, animal, fungi), then they report back to their group.  The final product is a "tree of life" for the specific habitat.

Wednesday, September 25, 2013

Vocabulary Development

As I continue to work with and get to know the students in our class, I am noticing what skills they possess and where extra attention needs to be placed.  Due to many of the students' difficulty with oral communication (many students struggle to "find" words when speaking) and in some cases writing (there is too much emphasis on slang terms and expressions) I have initiated a new idea in my attempt to build each student's vocabulary. 
Beginning on October 1 and continuing until further notice, each student will be assigned a "Word of the Day" assignment.  When it is your child's turn, they need to research one new sophisticated word, be prepared to pronounce it correctly for our class, spell it correctly on a card for our word wall, give the part of speech (n, v, adj, adv, etc.), give the inflected forms if there are any, and use it in an excellent sentence.  Words that already hang on our word wall are not to be repeated.  Check the class calendar on this site for your child's assigned day.
Where can they find words?  That is easy.  They could come from their nightly reading.  The newspaper can be a source of new vocabulary.  It could be a random search through a dictionary, and/or they could look up a familiar word in the thesaurus and discover a sophisticated synonym or antonym. Example:  if you look up "sad" in the thesaurus, one word you would find is "melancholy".  Please note that since we are working to build vocabularies, I will be encouraging the students to use these new words, so please make sure that they are not obscure medical terms, etc. They must be useful since the students will be encouraged to use them throughout the day, at least.                                                                     
What do I mean by slang?  Here are a few examples we have come across so far:
-saying that things are "cool" when we are not referring to temperature
-overusing the word "like" (see a previous blog for more details)
-"freaked out"
-"you rule"

Tuesday, September 24, 2013

Prime and Composite Numbers

For the last two days we have been working with and learning about prime and composite numbers.  On Monday we generated definitions and classified all numbers from 2 to 20.  On Tuesday we worked on factor trees and prime factors as well as played a prime and composite number game.  Check out the new anchor charts on the Numeracy Anchor Chart Archive page of this site.

Monday, September 23, 2013

Cookie Dough Order Alert!

On Thursday our students were sent home with a cookie dough order form that has a blue cover letter attached.  This letter introduces our school fund raiser and outlines the timeline that we will be adhering to.    Please be aware that there is a minor error on the order form that was provided by English Bay.  A vertical line is missing that would divide the double chocolate section from the sugar cookies section.  Please add that line before you begin selling the cookie dough.  This will ensure that your customers receive the product that they desire, eliminating guess work.  Our kick-off assembly, introducing this initiative, will be held on Friday morning.  Feel free to begin selling at your earliest convenience! Stay tuned for more details.

More new activities were introduced in the gym today.  Ask your child about follow-the-leader warm ups, and "Fire on the Mountain".  Check out the photos below.

 Congratulations to Sarah who earned a Good News ticket for her hard work in the gym today!  Keep it up!

Sunday, September 22, 2013

Precision Picassos

During the last few visual arts lessons we have been working on using primary colours to mix secondary and tertiary colours.  Check out our Picassos!