Friday, May 19, 2017

Literature Circles - Round Two

Image result for literature circlesOn Wednesday we began our second - and final - round of literature circles.  This time, the students were able to choose from seven titles that I prepared for the class.  After perusing all of them, the students decided on the book they will read, how much will be read each week for four weeks, and the role they will perform this week.  We will meet each Wednesday for the next four weeks.  Here are the titles that were decided on by the students - ask your child which one they are reading!
Image result for Malka book  Image result for elijah of buxton book cover  Image result for number the stars cover
                       Image result for the watsons go to birmingham book   Image result for tentacles book

Yesterday afternoon we enjoyed some time outside participating in the Jump Rope for Heart fund raiser for the Heart and Stroke Foundation.  Our school reached our goal which means that Mrs. Vivier and Mrs. Blain will be kissing a donkey in the near future!  Way to go Guardians!

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