Monday, May 01, 2017

Good News, Flowers, Dress Code, Oatmeal, Geometry

Image result for good newsCongratulations to the following students who won the Good News ticket draw on Friday:  Daciann (twice) and Joshua.  Keep up the good work!

Image result for flats of flowersOn Friday students were given order forms for spring flowers.  This fund raiser not only assists families with their spring planting, but the funds raised will support the Social Justice Club as the support their adopted village in Nicaragua.  These flowers come from Anna's in Leamington.  Show your support!  Orders are due May 5.

On Friday all students were provided with a dress code reminder note.  As we experience warmer weather, it is imperative that we all dress with modesty in mind.  This is a virtue that Catholics aspire to display.  It is wise to err on the side of caution.  If you are not sure if it is acceptable, then don't wear it.  Thank you for your cooperation.
Image result for school dress codes

Image result for 1 kg bag of oatsComing to a school near you..... Please support the North of 60 Project run by the St. Vincent de Paul Society and our school.  We are collecting 1kg bags of oats that will be sent to isolated communities in Nunavut.  Our school goal is 300 bags.  Can we do it???? Thanks for your support.

Image result for geometryFor homework tonight, please review all of the attachments at the bottom of the Numeracy anchor chart archive page of our website.  You can print them out too if you want.  This is all old information that you should already know, so be prepared to use it in class tomorrow!

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