Monday, May 08, 2017

Good News and Geography/Social Studies Rotary, Deskercise

Image result for good newsCongratulations to the following students who won Friday's Good News ticket draw:  Maya (twice) and Josh (twice).  Keep up the good work!

Congratulations to Kendra, Molly, and Emma who were recognized for their fund raising efforts to honour Elery Laporte at Friday night's Autism Ontario banquet.  Way to go Guardians!

Image result for social studiesThis week marks our last week of the current rotary situation.  One week from today we will switch back to Science:  I will teach the grade 6s and Mr. Cowan will teach the grade 7s.

Image result for deskerciseOn Friday the Holy Names High School students returned to lead us in Deskercise.  We sure needed it because of all of the indoor recesses due to the weather.  Check out the photos.

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