Friday, May 20, 2016

St. Gabriel Walk-a-thon

Image result for walk-a-thon clipart
Since our car wash will be held on the weekend, our class felt that we also needed to hold and event that the whole school could participate in.  We needed something that was accessible to all, and since we have our great track, we decided on a walk-a-thon.

Image result for walk-a-thon clipartThis event will be held in the afternoon of Thursday June 2 (rain date June 3).  The whole school will go outside at predetermined times and walk as much as possible.  Since three laps is approximately one kilometre, we will track our progress and arrive at a combined school total. We hope for 2566km since that is the distance from Windsor to Fort McMurray.  Then we will have symbolically walked there to show support.WE CAN DO IT!

Image result for canadian moneyPledge sheets were sent home yesterday with the entire student body.  We are asking that everyone try collect as many pledges as possible and return the money on or before June 2.

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