Thursday, May 12, 2016

Point of View and Responses

Image result for those shoes bookImage result for a chance to shineWe have continued to use mentor texts in our literacy lessons to work on the reading strategy known as point of view.  We have answered a variety of questions in small groups, with partners, and individually.  Students brought home the final two questions yesterday for a parent signature.  Please return them promptly.  Ask your child about these books - they really seemed to enjoy them!
Image result for mr. peabody's apples

FYI - now all reading strategies have been formally taught.  If you remember the eight questions in a CASI reading evaluation, each student should now be able to answer each of them with ease!

Image result for written lettersDid you know that three of our classmates have received responses to the persuasive letters they wrote?  Tin and Sabin received emails, and Sabrina received a hard copy (and she even found a spelling mistake in it!).  Please continue to let us know if you get one!

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