Monday, May 02, 2016

Good News, Community Service and WOW!

Image result for community serviceHere is another friendly reminder..... ten hours of community service and one photo is due in one month.  Please submit the photos as a hard copy, in digital form on a memory stick, or through my school email:  Memory sticks and hard copies will be returned.  Due May 31!  Thank you!
Image result for community service

Image result for WOWCongratulations to this month's WOW winners!  The theme was dynamic dancers.  The winners are:  Alexei, Carlo, Quest, and Evan.  Way to go!

It was also announced that Nick and Brendan won in the "teacher experience" draw.  Nick will be biking with Mr. Rankin and Brendan will be cooking with Mrs. Brown and I.  Alyssa and Alanna also earned a reward for their astounding ticket sales.

Image result for Good newsCongratulations to those students who won the Good News ticket draw on Friday:  Ophelia, Brendan, Nate, Alyssa, and Sabrina.  Keep up the good work!

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