Thursday, February 25, 2016


On Tuesday, Inspector Mizuno and Officer Hardy (from the border services) visited us as we begin to learn about illegal drugs and how to avoid them.  Officer Hardy brought Piper with him - she is his drug sniffing dog.  After he explained how dogs are trained and used in investigations, we got to see a live demonstration of Piper's drug-sniffing abilities.  The demonstration was enjoyed by all.  Check out the photos.

She found it!

Please note that the following items have been sent home this week and are in need of a parent signature ASAP:  Unit 4 SWYK (Monday), Unit 4 math test (Wednesday), and Literacy Evaluation - Unit 5 (Thursday - if everyone has written it by then).

Image result for transformational geometryPlease note that we have begun our new math unit on Transformational Geometry.  On Wednesday I noticed that our class was rather rusty and needs to review the geometry resources that we used earlier in the year.  Please refer to the seven uploaded documents that can be found on our Numeracy Anchor Chart Archive page OR the pages that are in your child's green duo tang if they printed them out.

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