Monday, February 08, 2016

Good News, Sculptures, and Report Cards!

Image result for good news logoCongratulations to last week's Good News ticket winners:  Joe (twice), Aidan, and Tin.  Keep up the great work!

Our class is very excited about producing their sculptures.  This project has taken us many weeks to complete.  All of them will be on display on Thursday evening when you arrive for the student-led conferences.  Check out the photos of the process!

Image result for term one report cardToday is report card day!  Your child will be bringing their term one report home for your inspection.  Please fill out the parent portion, sign it, and return it in the UNSEALED envelop at your earliest convenience.  Please do not send the full pages back because they are yours to keep.  An exact copy of this report will be kept in your child's file in the office.  I am also very pleased to report that every family has scheduled a conference time.  I am looking forward to seeing all of you later this week!

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