Tuesday, February 23, 2016

Skating on the Horizon!

Image result for skating clipartYesterday the students in our class were given permission forms related to our skating field trip that will take place on Friday.  There is not cost to the students, so please return the completed forms by Thursday.  Please note that the concession stand will be open during our visit.

In the interest of safety, all students must wear a helmet (hockey or bike is fine) and gloves.  It is also important to note that there will be a wide range of skating abilities on the ice at one time so those who are strong skaters are reminded to respect others.  That means that there will be not hockey-type activities or drills.  It is my understanding that a parent suffered a broken bone in the past when students were being excessively rough.  If necessary the penalty box will be used for those who require time to "cool down".

If any parents are available to join us, please meet us at South Windsor Arena for about 11:30 am.  We would love assistance with doing up skates, and you are free to join us on the ice as well.

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