Tuesday, February 16, 2016

Good News

Image result for good news logoCongratulations to the following students who were last week's Good News ticket winners:  Alexei, Nate, Ophelia, Steven L., and Alanna.  Keep up the great work!

Image result for valentines day 2016It was a "little" crazy in our classroom on Friday.  Apparently Valentine's Day has quite an effect of some of the students.  Show here (with permission) is an example of what can occur on such days.  Please note the two pairs of glasses and the placement of each.  Thank you to all those who brought in treats and/or cards for the class.

Image result for meatless friday catholic rules
On Friday 56% of the students in our class brought a meatless lunch.  That is an increase from Ash Wednesday.  Keep up the great work!  What meatless lunch will you bring this Friday?  Start planning now!

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