Thursday, February 11, 2016

It Was a Success!

Image result for ash wednesdayCongratulations to our whole class who not only looked good, but did a fine job in their roles during the Ash Wednesday mass.  Special thanks is extended to the following students who volunteered for specific roles:
Readings - Alanna, Evan, Nate, Angelina, Julie, Joe, Brendan, Steven M., Alyssa, Carlo, and Lexie.
Offertory Bearers - Quest, Tin, Nick, and Chantel.
Technology - Owen.
Altar Servers - Steven L. and
Choir - Alanna, Alexei, Chantel, and Alyssa.
Ushers - Jason and Carlo

Thank you also to the family and friends who were able to celebrate with us (yes you too Mom, Dad, and Rebecca!).

Another extra special thank you is extended to the SAC who spear-headed our annual Pancake Snack on Tuesday.  As you can see there were many helping hands (thanks Mrs. McMaster!) and delicious food including fresh strawberries.  The mood was festive - a Mardi Gras of our own!  What a way to mark the end of Ordinary Time in the liturgical year, until after the Easter season is complete.

Image result for meatless lunchDon't forget to try for a meatless lunch tomorrow! Fifty percent of our class successfully brought a meatless lunch on Ash Wednesday!

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