Monday, February 29, 2016

Good News

Image result for Good News sign Congratulations to last week's Good News ticket winners: Julie, Ophelia, Carlo, and Kaci.  Keep up the good work!

Image result for wow signCongratulations is also extended to February's WOW winners:  Aidan and Julie.  They earned this award for demonstrating leadership qualities.  Keep up the great work!

Image result for meatless fridayCongratulations to the majority of the class who brought a meatless lunch on Friday.  This week 82% of our class complied with this initiative!  Way to go!  What will you bring next week?

Image result for don't forget*Don't forget:  the field trip form and money is due tomorrow!

Friday, February 26, 2016

Donations for the Humane Society

Image result for windsor essex humane society logo  As a Lenten project, some students at our school are organizing a drop box that will accept donations that will be given to the Humane Society.  This collection will continue through Lent and students who bring in a contribution will receive a ballot that will be entered in a draw for a gift basket.  Here is a list of suggested items that will be accepted:

FOOD - canned cat/kitten food - Science Diet ONLY please
-dry dog food - Science Diet ONLY please
ITEMS FOR DOGS - sturdy dog toys
-Kong and Nylabones
-non-retractable leash
-easy walking harness
ITEMS FOR CATS - doughnut-shaped cat bed
-cat toys with catnip in them
-cardboard cat scratchers
-cat nail clippers
ITEMS FOR SMALL ANIMALS - Carefresh bedding
-new wooden toys
-gift cards from Home Depot, Petsmart, etc.
-dry Swiffer sheets 
-powdered laundry soap
-dry erase markers


Yesterday our class brought home field trip forms for our trip to Holy Names High School to see a modified version of the play "Grease".  Please return the forms and money by   Tuesday  March 1.  Thank you very much in advance!

Thursday, February 25, 2016


On Tuesday, Inspector Mizuno and Officer Hardy (from the border services) visited us as we begin to learn about illegal drugs and how to avoid them.  Officer Hardy brought Piper with him - she is his drug sniffing dog.  After he explained how dogs are trained and used in investigations, we got to see a live demonstration of Piper's drug-sniffing abilities.  The demonstration was enjoyed by all.  Check out the photos.

She found it!

Please note that the following items have been sent home this week and are in need of a parent signature ASAP:  Unit 4 SWYK (Monday), Unit 4 math test (Wednesday), and Literacy Evaluation - Unit 5 (Thursday - if everyone has written it by then).

Image result for transformational geometryPlease note that we have begun our new math unit on Transformational Geometry.  On Wednesday I noticed that our class was rather rusty and needs to review the geometry resources that we used earlier in the year.  Please refer to the seven uploaded documents that can be found on our Numeracy Anchor Chart Archive page OR the pages that are in your child's green duo tang if they printed them out.

Wednesday, February 24, 2016

Blog Math

Image result for motor bikeCongratulations to all those students who submitted their blog math on time.  Three students had to use their recess to complete it and two students had it complete and at school, but did not hand it in on time.

The correct response to last week's motor bike question is 35 minutes.

Some students have asked me recently if "blog math" is in the math curriculum.  The answer is a resounding YES!  There is a section called "Proportional Relationships" in the Number Sense and Numeration strand.  I choose to present questions that fall into this category in the blog format, in addition to those that we do in the classroom, so that families will become aware of their child's level of progress in this skill.  It is also a great life skill that can be used in daily life!  Try it the next time you go shopping!

Here is the latest question.  It is due on Tuesday March 1 at 8:10 AM.  Please copy the question on a lined piece of binder paper that is full-sized, complete it using the steps of problem solving, and submit it on or before the due date.

Image result for parking lotIn parking lot A there are 24 of 40 spots filled. In Lot B there are 56 of 80 spots filled. Which parking lot is more full? 

Tuesday, February 23, 2016

Skating on the Horizon!

Image result for skating clipartYesterday the students in our class were given permission forms related to our skating field trip that will take place on Friday.  There is not cost to the students, so please return the completed forms by Thursday.  Please note that the concession stand will be open during our visit.

In the interest of safety, all students must wear a helmet (hockey or bike is fine) and gloves.  It is also important to note that there will be a wide range of skating abilities on the ice at one time so those who are strong skaters are reminded to respect others.  That means that there will be not hockey-type activities or drills.  It is my understanding that a parent suffered a broken bone in the past when students were being excessively rough.  If necessary the penalty box will be used for those who require time to "cool down".

If any parents are available to join us, please meet us at South Windsor Arena for about 11:30 am.  We would love assistance with doing up skates, and you are free to join us on the ice as well.