Tuesday, October 27, 2015

We Scare Hunger

Image result for we scare hunger We are in the final days of our "We Scare Hunger" non-perishable food collection and the tension is building.  Our class told me yesterday that they very much want the costume party!  In order to do that we have to bring in more items!  They decided that our goal is 120 items.  As of Monday we had 85 items so far.  That means that we need 35 more items in the next couple of days.  WE CAN DO IT GRADE 6s! 

Image result for proportional reasoningIn math, I am trying to develop this concept with my students.  Simply put, proportional reasoning is the ability to compare two or more things using multiplicative thinking, (rather than additive thinking) and apply this skill to new situations.  Beginning today, and hopefully continuing all year, I will assign one math question weekly via the blog.  Students are to copy and complete the question on a lined piece of paper, with their name on it, and put it in the IN BOX when they are ready for me to check it. They are strongly encouraged to use the steps of problem solving to complete these questions.  They will be due each Tuesday, unless otherwise stated.  Here is the first question:

If Mrs. Colautti buys three ice cream cones for $4.65, at this rate, how much will it cost to buy two ice cream cones?  Justify your thinking. (due Tuesday November 3 at 8:10am).

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