Thursday, October 22, 2015

Literacy Centres and Guided Reading

Guided Reading Group #4
Buddy Reading
 (practising making connections)
Listening Centre
 (practising identifying characteristics of
suspense narrative and making connections)
For the last few days our class has been working in groups at various literacy work-stations while I have been working with guided reading groups.  This allows the students the opportunity to practise all of the new skills that will be tested on tomorrow's literacy evaluation and it gives me the chance to work with small groups to further hone and stretch their reading skills.  Of course we continue to work on making connections, but we are also identifying the characteristics of a suspense narrative and a variety of other grammar and conventions skills.  Be sure to review the anchor charts in preparation for the test tomorrow!

Writing Centre
(practise writing good paragraphs and dialogue)

Grammar Centre (more practise with dialogue)

Vocabulary Centre (practise with adverbs and adverb phrases)

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