Tuesday, October 20, 2015

Mad Minute Monday and Other News

Image result for mad minute logoWe participated in our third installment of Mad Minute Monday yesterday.  The results for the last three weeks will be sent home today.  Stapled to the pages of student work please find a summary sheet that has some sections that need to be completed at home with the assistance of a parent.  This is called metacognition and it is the opportunity for the student to reflect on their strengths and weaknesses providing them with information that can assist with setting goals for the next time.  Please complete and sign the purple form and return it with your child(ren) tomorrow.  Thank you very much in advance!

Image result for parent signatureAlong those lines, the SHOW WHAT YOU KNOW (SWYK) end of unit math work that was evaluated last week was sent home yesterday for a parent signature.  Please ensure that this work is in your child's orange Number Sense and Numeration duo tang, and returned signed ASAP.

Image result for greeting cards clip artFor our fundraiser, our class has sold 15 boxes of cards so far.  Keep them coming in!  All orders are due Thursday October 22, 2015.

Our class has also collected 33 non-perishable items for our "We Scare Hunger" campaign so far.  Keep them coming in also!

We have collected numerous empty milk bags too!  Congratulations!

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