Friday, October 23, 2015

Thank You, Thank You, THANK YOU!

Yesterday was the "final" day to bring in the order forms for our fundraiser, but if students brought them in today, they were accepted.

Image result for congratulations imagesCongratulations to our class who, as of the time this blog post was crafted, sold 41 boxes of cards. That means that we earned extra gym and gym selections of the class's choice, extra recess, fun at Curry Park (the students selected to do this in the SNOW!!!), and a pizza/pyjama/stuffed animal day.  The only incentive that we did not earn was the pot luck since there was not 100% participation (unless that changes today.....).  Once the dates for these rewards are determined they will be communicated either via the blog or the agenda, so stay tuned!  Thank you very much to all of the families that participated.  These funds will be used to enhance your child(ren)'s school experience.

Yesterday we began our new unit in math.  We will be working on patterning and algebra for the next few weeks.  We will not follow the textbook precisely since it does not follow the curriculum completely.  Students will be allowed to use a calculator for this unit, so please send one in if they do not have one at school yet.

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