Wednesday, October 28, 2015

Rosary Lady Visits and Math

Image result for rosaryYesterday we worked with Mrs. D'Agnillo for the first time this year.  October is the month of the rosary, so it is an appropriate time to begin this tradition again.  It is also timely, because we have been working on interpreting prayers we know in Religion class, so now we should know what we are saying and why we are saying it.  Check our classroom calendar so you can anticipate the next visit!

Image result for math patternsDid you check out the new anchor chart that we created together about patterning yesterday?  Some students came to me and asked for help with naming pattern rules.  This new anchor chart is a great tool.  Since you might have to really work at determining pattern or relationship rules, it really takes patience, perseverance, and the guess and check method to be successful.  The more experience you have, the quicker this process will become too!

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