Wednesday, March 25, 2015

VIP and Literature Circles

On Monday Staff Sergeant Mizuno visited us to continue the discussion about saying NO to drugs.  She brought with her Constable Renaud and Melanie who is a paramedic.  Because of her diverse experiences driving an ambulance and treating victims of drug abuse, she is a great resource.  She also showed our class a very powerful presentation and demonstrated the affects of drugs on our brain by using play-doh.  Ask your child about it!

Image result for literature circlesOn Monday we also began our first round of Literature Circles.  After the process was explained to the class, the students were able to choose their reading material from a collection of eight texts.  From there they planned their reading schedule, weekly response tasks, and some even began planning their group book talk.  They also were given time to begin reading their text.  Ask them which book they selected and what they have to complete by the first meeting on Friday.

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