Thursday, March 12, 2015


Image result for coin driveThe coin drive is going very well so far!  Our class has collected just over $32 to date.  That is more than halfway to our goal of $50 already.  Keep it coming!  Our class continues to display their generosity and (as Christian would say) fabulousness!

Image result for testToday marks the end of our pre-March Break tests and evaluations.  As continues to be the pattern, not all students have been present to complete them.  As a result, there will be many items sent home after the March Break that will need parent signatures.  Thank you for your cooperation.

 Here are some recent photos of our class working on the transformational geometry unit.  Things were really shaping up!  Let's reflect on that for a while!
Image result for crazy socks

Don't forget that Friday is Crazy Socks Day in support of Autism Awareness!  Can we get 100% participation?

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