Thursday, March 05, 2015

Church Tour!

Father showed us the Baptismal font and Easter candle
Yesterday we walked to Corpus Christi Church.  Father Bedard graciously conducted a tour of most areas of the church, even those we typically do not see when we go to mass. Each student was encouraged to take a Lenten medallion,
The Easter candle - the
alpha and omega symbol
means Jesus has no
beginning or no end.
which they can keep in their pocket to remind them of this most important time in our church year.  Check out the photos of our visit.

Three sacred oils


Confessional/Family Room

Robing Room and Priests' Vestments
Tabernacle and Sanctuary Lamp
The Ambo

Priest's Chair

Choir area

In the afternoon, we completed a map of the church and organized some additional information that Father Bedard gave us.  This material could appear on the test that we are having on March 9 as well.
The  medallion we received:  front and back views

In the classroom, we have watched an American production of the Parts of the Mass, twice.  I have included a link here, in the event that anyone wished to watch it again as they prepare for the test.  Click here to view it.

Viewing the pyx

Keeping hosts fresh

The incenser

"Special" sink - ask your child why it
is special.

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