Wednesday, March 11, 2015

Kids Helping Kids Find a Home

Yes, its says kids!

Image result for young goatAs part of this year's Lenten Promise, our Social Justice Club is running a "Goat Drive" from now until Easter. Our goal is to collect at least $50 in spare change in each class.  That $50 can provide a goat for a family in our adopted village in Ecuador.  That goat can flourish into a herd, which can provide an entire family with milk and a sustainable income!  That herd can also enable a woman to start turning her home farm into a thriving business.  Once this happens, she is able to send her children to school and plan a better future for her family. Let's go St. Gabe's, We Goat This!

Congratulations to the Junior Rock Band for their excellent performance during last week's WOW assembly.  It just so happens that three of the members are from our class!  Keep up the great work!
Sunglasses at Night!

Speaking of sunglasses, what in the world do we have here?
Here is the latest collection of vocabulary words!  Keep them coming!

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