Monday, March 23, 2015

Good News, More Good News, and Socks!

Image result for good newsCongratulations to the Good News ticket winners for the week before the March Break: Tori, Gina, Logan, and Helena .  Keep up the great work!

Image result for ecuador On Friday March 13 our total collected for the coin drive to date was $50.10.  Thank you very much!  There is still time...... could we collect enough to purchase a second goat?  Who is "Jeff the Kyd"?  Ask your child about that.

On March 13 we had Crazy Sock Day.  Thanks to all those who participated!

Image result for kleenex boxDonations requested please!  We have used all of the boxes of facial tissue that all of the families graciously donated in September.  If possible, please send in another one.  I am sure that we will need to use plenty between now and the end of June.  Thank you so much in advance!

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