Monday, March 30, 2015

Good News, Great News, and More Word Play!

Image result for good newsCongratulations to last week's Good News ticket winners:  Hannah, Brooke, Christian, Katarina, and Kameron.  Keep up the great work!

Here is the GREAT news:  As you can see here, we have now purchased three goats for families in Ecuador.  Everyone has done a great job of bringing in their coins (and in some cases bills too!), but special mention must go to Hannah's grandmother (Mrs. L. Pearson).  It has come to my attention that she has become a loyal blog follower, and upon hearing that we are collecting coins, she sent in $45 worth of coin, already rolled!  As you can see, we name each goat that we purchase, so Lynne the Kyd has joined Jeff the Kyd, and Jude.  Poor Jeff, however.  He is all alone on his side of our door.  Could we purchase a friend for him?  We have until Thursday!  THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR YOUR DONATIONS!

Image result for word playDo you remember back in the fall when we learned about palindromes, anagrams, oxymorons?  Well we have another category of fun words to add to the list.  Thank you very much Christian, for bringing this to our attention.  For his word last week, Christian presented the word:  semordnilap (palindromes spelled backwards).  The definition is a word that makes a new word when spelled backwards.  Here are some examples:  pots (stop), live (evil), gel (leg), stressed (desserts), etc.  How fun!

 In our Religion classes we have been studying all of the events that led up to the trial of Jesus as well as the Stations of the Cross.  We also related these events to the Jewish faith.  It would be fantastic if my students could make it to mass this week, so that they can see these events unfold (they have much schema to use!).  Here is the schedule for Corpus Christi Church:

Thursday 8 PM - Holy Thursday - celebration of the Last Supper (which includes feet washing)
Friday 11 AM  or 3 PM - Good Friday - Stations of the Cross/ Passion of Christ (this is the reason for no school that day!)
Saturday 8 PM (Easter Vigil - longer celebration when the catecumens become Catholic and Easter is celebrated) OR one
Sunday Easter celebration - 8 AM, or 10 AM, or 12 noon.


Image result for community service VIP reminder:  don't forget that your 10 hours of community service is due two months from yesterday (May 29).  Make sure the form is filled out (see the assignments page of our site) and you send in one photo (digital or hard copy are acceptable).

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