Thursday, November 28, 2013

VIP with Sergeant Mizuno and Poetry

Our latest reading assignment is well underway.  Since December is a short month and I do not expect students to present a book talk after the holidays based on something they read before the holidays, we will be doing a poetry reading for evaluation this month.  This is similar to a book talk, except that I provided students with a wide variety of Christmas poems to choose from, that they will be reporting on.  Not only does this satisfy curriculum expectations, but it is good practice because there is always a poem on the EQAO assessment that they students need to read, interpret, and answer questions about.  Please check our class calendar for the presentation dates.

Sergeant Mizuno visited us again on Wednesday to discuss the topic of decision making with the students.  We reviewed the process, and how our decisions effect others around us.  We discussed scenarios that the students may find themselves in some day.  We also mentioned how some jobs and volunteer opportunities require people to obtain police clearances.  It is important to maintain a clean police record so that it does not limit your choices in the future.

Look at all of the "Cereal Donors" that we have in our class!  Keep the cereal coming in!  It is our responsibility to help those who do not have at Christmas!

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