Friday, November 22, 2013

More Presentations and an Important Message

On Tuesday, when I attended the SAC meeting, a complaint was aired by one of the parents.  They stated that they do not receive notes that are sent home from the school.  I am aware of this problem and I have addressed it with my students.  My students have been told that they do not have the option of not bringing home notes.  I often find notes in students' desks, the recycling bin, and I would imagine that there is a stockpile in the bottom of their backpack and/or the pouch of their agenda.  It is up to the parents if the note gets recycled or if it gets acted upon.  I appreciate your assistance in reinforcing this with your child(ren).

Science power point presentations have continued.  Check out the latest photos.  Hopefully we will finish them by the end of the week. 

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