Monday, November 04, 2013

Science Evaluation - Biodiversity

Last week we concluded formal lessons in our Biodiversity unit and we did a review - Jeopardy style - using the Smartboard.  The students really enjoyed using the technology and working in teams to review some of the concepts.  The students were allowed - and encouraged - to bring home their duo tang and text book so that they could study.  Please note that since our text book does not align perfectly with the grade six curriculum, that we did not do lessons 1, 6, 8,  and 9 from the text.  The students are not responsible for those lessons or the material within.  We did study human impact on biodiversity, which cannot be found in the text.  Each student should have a handout that was completed on Friday related to this topic.  Since the test is on Tuesday, please make sure that your child returns their text and duo tang on that day as they will be able to use both of these resources during the evaluation.  Please note that it is more important to understand the concepts taught and extend our thinking to a higher level rather than memorize facts.  Finally, we are still working on our partner science research project.  Hopefully we will be able to wrap those up in the next week so that they can be evaluated also.  It is difficult at times to secure enough devices for our whole class to work on them at the same time.  

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