Saturday, November 30, 2013

Good News and WOW

 Congratulations are extended to this week's Good News ticket winners:  Ethan and Luke.  Keep up the great work!

This week, our Mad Minute top achievers are:  no one - unfortunately all of the scores were below 30 .  The student who showed the most improved was Markus.  On Monday another summary and reflection sheet will be sent home for a parent's signature.  Keep practising!

This month's WOW winners are Steven, Emily, and Aidan.  They have been recognized for their keen ability to be metacognitive.  Their "Motivating Metacognition" displays their ability to reflect on their work, identify strengths and weaknesses, and set goal for future endeavours.  That is a sure-fire way to improve their skills and understand the type of learners they are.  Congratulations!

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