Tuesday, November 26, 2013

Social Justice and More Presentations

Last Wednesday a note went home with each family indicating that this year, instead of requesting items to fill hampers for the needy at Christmas, that we are embarking on a cereal drive.  The reason for this is simple.  Cereal tends to be quite expensive and when families struggle, it is often this breakfast food that gets removed from their shopping list due to the cost.  As a result some students go without breakfast, which is not recommended since we know is the most important meal of the day.  That puts them at a huge disadvantage from an educational perspective.  From November 25 until December 6, please bring in as many unopened packages of cereal as you can in support of this cause.  On Tuesday, two boxes came in already! 

We have also continued with our gym presentations.....

...and our health presentations. 

Please note that many items have been sent home for parents to view and sign lately.  There should be a math test on unit 3, the Show what You Know from unit 3 in a green duo tang, and a literacy evaluation for unit 3.  Book talk rubrics were also returned today.  Please return them ASAP.  Thanks in advance!

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