Saturday, November 30, 2013

Good News and WOW

 Congratulations are extended to this week's Good News ticket winners:  Ethan and Luke.  Keep up the great work!

This week, our Mad Minute top achievers are:  no one - unfortunately all of the scores were below 30 .  The student who showed the most improved was Markus.  On Monday another summary and reflection sheet will be sent home for a parent's signature.  Keep practising!

This month's WOW winners are Steven, Emily, and Aidan.  They have been recognized for their keen ability to be metacognitive.  Their "Motivating Metacognition" displays their ability to reflect on their work, identify strengths and weaknesses, and set goal for future endeavours.  That is a sure-fire way to improve their skills and understand the type of learners they are.  Congratulations!

Friday, November 29, 2013

Bus Safety

On Tuesday our class participated in another bus safety presentation.  This was done through a combination of a video and a game show.  We can never over-emphasize safety on a bus.  Someone from our class was able to participate and earn a small gift.  Can you find our classmate?

Thursday, November 28, 2013

VIP with Sergeant Mizuno and Poetry

Our latest reading assignment is well underway.  Since December is a short month and I do not expect students to present a book talk after the holidays based on something they read before the holidays, we will be doing a poetry reading for evaluation this month.  This is similar to a book talk, except that I provided students with a wide variety of Christmas poems to choose from, that they will be reporting on.  Not only does this satisfy curriculum expectations, but it is good practice because there is always a poem on the EQAO assessment that they students need to read, interpret, and answer questions about.  Please check our class calendar for the presentation dates.

Sergeant Mizuno visited us again on Wednesday to discuss the topic of decision making with the students.  We reviewed the process, and how our decisions effect others around us.  We discussed scenarios that the students may find themselves in some day.  We also mentioned how some jobs and volunteer opportunities require people to obtain police clearances.  It is important to maintain a clean police record so that it does not limit your choices in the future.

Look at all of the "Cereal Donors" that we have in our class!  Keep the cereal coming in!  It is our responsibility to help those who do not have at Christmas!

Wednesday, November 27, 2013

Christmas at St. Gabriel School

On Thursday December 5, from 6 to 8 pm, our very own Parent Advisory Council will be hosting a Christmas Family Event.  Please see the flyer that your child brought home today.  

One of the activities that will be available to the families that come, is a station where the little ones will be able to dictate their letter to Santa.  An older student will scribe for them.  Our class will be in charge of staffing this station.  Therefore, I am looking for volunteers.  Anyone who volunteers must make either a one or two hour commitment, have neat penmanship, be able to spell reasonably well, and have transportation to and from the school in a punctual manner.  They are asked to arrive in our classroom ten minutes before their scheduled shift.  They will earn community service hours for their time.  Any interested students must have their parent write a note in their agenda granting permission for this event, and stating their availability (6-7 pm, 7-8 pm, or both) so that I can produce a schedule.  The deadline for this note is Friday November 29.  Thanks in advance for your interest.

Tuesday, November 26, 2013

Social Justice and More Presentations

Last Wednesday a note went home with each family indicating that this year, instead of requesting items to fill hampers for the needy at Christmas, that we are embarking on a cereal drive.  The reason for this is simple.  Cereal tends to be quite expensive and when families struggle, it is often this breakfast food that gets removed from their shopping list due to the cost.  As a result some students go without breakfast, which is not recommended since we know is the most important meal of the day.  That puts them at a huge disadvantage from an educational perspective.  From November 25 until December 6, please bring in as many unopened packages of cereal as you can in support of this cause.  On Tuesday, two boxes came in already! 

We have also continued with our gym presentations.....

...and our health presentations. 

Please note that many items have been sent home for parents to view and sign lately.  There should be a math test on unit 3, the Show what You Know from unit 3 in a green duo tang, and a literacy evaluation for unit 3.  Book talk rubrics were also returned today.  Please return them ASAP.  Thanks in advance!

Monday, November 25, 2013

We Were a Little Shady on Friday

On Friday our class completed their task for evaluation based on last week's lessons and practice sessions.  Their task was to sketch two drawings of the same 3D objects and use charcoal and chalk to show areas of intense light, shading, and shadows.  Their light source was a star sticker that they could put anywhere on their page.

After they complete their task, they had to critique their own work and the work of someone else in the class - metacognition at work!
Students analyse and critique each other's work.
Keep those vocabulary words coming!  The students used them as a literacy workstation this week.

Sunday, November 24, 2013

Construction Collaboration Between Coates's and Colautti's Classes

On Friday, for math, 6Coa and 6Col got together in the Learning Pit for some collaborative geometry construction.  Each group had a set of white and green game cards, lavender and purple game cards, one die, and needed geometry tools and paper.

The Tools
Get your child to explain how the game was played, and what the learning goals were.  The students will see these materials again in the future - likely at a literacy workstation - for practice.  There is always a construction question on the EQAO assessment.

I have to take this opportunity to extend a HUGE thank you to the many people who helped me make the cards for all three grade six classes.  Thanks to my mother who cut and glued all of the cards for us.  Mr. Carter (EA at our school) took all of the cards to the Board Office and laminated them for us.  Quite a few grade six students who gave up their recesses to cut them out!  Team work at its best!

Saturday, November 23, 2013

Good News

 Congratulations to this week's Good News ticket winners:  Evan, Emily, and Ashley.  Keep up the good work!

Congratulations is also extended to Ellen who is the top achiever in the Mad Minute this week.  Her score was above 50!  She is getting really close to perfect!  This week's most improved honours goes to Brandon.  Keep practising!

On Friday our school hosted a bake sale in support of Ellen from our class.  She will be travelling to Dubai next month to represent our country in an international chess tournament.  She raised over $200 toward her cause.  Way to go and best of luck!

Friday, November 22, 2013

More Presentations and an Important Message

On Tuesday, when I attended the SAC meeting, a complaint was aired by one of the parents.  They stated that they do not receive notes that are sent home from the school.  I am aware of this problem and I have addressed it with my students.  My students have been told that they do not have the option of not bringing home notes.  I often find notes in students' desks, the recycling bin, and I would imagine that there is a stockpile in the bottom of their backpack and/or the pouch of their agenda.  It is up to the parents if the note gets recycled or if it gets acted upon.  I appreciate your assistance in reinforcing this with your child(ren).

Science power point presentations have continued.  Check out the latest photos.  Hopefully we will finish them by the end of the week. 

Thursday, November 21, 2013

Science Presentations

Today we began our Science presentations.  Overall I am very pleased with the work and effort that the students have put in.  Their research skills and media literacy skills sure shine!  Hopefully we can complete presentations by the end of the week.  During the next week, please look for the following rubrics to come home for parent signature:  Science/Medial Literacy, Create-A-Game (gym), and Health/Media Literacy.  They will come home after all students have presented.