Friday, September 30, 2016

Coming to a Classroom Near You!

Image result for good news Back by popular demand!  The Good News tickets and weekly draw will be returning to our classroom effective Monday October 3, 2016.  Apparently many students were disappointed that this practice was discontinued and one student even got a petition going.  THE MAJORITY HAS SPOKEN!  See how many tickets you can earn in a week!  Ask your child how these tickets are earned.

Image result for milk bagsIn addition, beginning on Monday we will return to the practice of collecting empty milk bags.   See how many you can collect!  This is a good way to practise the virtue of Charity.  Good News tickets get earned for this too!

Yesterday we welcomed Fr. Chris (the new priest at Corpus Christi Church) into our classroom for the first time.  He came prepared with handouts for all of us and conducted a very interesting lesson on a wide range of related ideas such as Guardian Angels, spirituality, emotion, desires, and "The Big Pill".  He reminded us that when we hate someone we are also hating God.  When we sin, we are acting on our desires in the wrong way.  Sin also makes us unreasonable and takes away our wisdom.  We love his down-to-earth nature, and ability to infuse humour into his message. 
Image result for lifesaver candy
On Thursday Aidan M.  was kind enough to bring in a huge supply of Lifesaver candy to share with the whole class AND some to help stock the prize bin in anticipation of next week's draw. We enjoyed the treat and listened to music while doing art in the afternoon.  THANK YOU SO MUCH!

Thursday, September 29, 2016

Latest News and VIP

On Tuesday, our grade six students met with Inspector Mizuno for the first time.  They were introduced to the program and got to sit in a squad car.  Check out the photos and ask them about it!

 We had our final case study presented in Religion on Wednesday (did they plan their wardrobes?).  As a formative assessment (ask your child what that means) each student completed some work independently and submitted it to our Google Classroom.  Check it out!

Image result for parent signature pleaseOn Wednesday both grades received their unit reviews/show what you know that was evaluated.  Students are to return them signed ASAP.  Correcting errors is a good way to study for Friday's test too.  Some grade seven students still did not return the mid-unit review signed that was returned 2 weeks ago.  Please get on that!

Wednesday, September 28, 2016

Virtues and Vocabulary

 Here is our latest batch of vocabulary words.  Keep them coming!

After learning about virtues, the students were put into groups and presented with a real life scenario.  Collaboratively, each group's task was to solve the problem and identify with virtue or virtues were needed/used to do so.  Then they presented them to the class. Check it out!

Tuesday, September 27, 2016

First Math Test on the Horizon!

Image result for math makes sense 6  Image result for math makes sense 7Our first math test (for both grades) is scheduled for this Friday.  Both grades will tell you that we have been working on elements from more than one chapter from our textbook, but the overall strand is patterning and algebra.  Please refer to the anchor charts and the students' independent practice.  There are many handouts in their duo tang as well.  In addition, other summative assessments will be taking place this week.  This will give the students ample opportunity to demonstrate their knowledge rather than just using one math test as their mark on their report card.  

Image result for calendarParents and students:  How often have you checked the calendar on our website?  It is important to stay current!

Monday, September 26, 2016

More Connections and Other Information

Image result for patchwork quilt bookThis is the latest mentor text that we have been using to help us extend our understanding of the text by making connections.  Ask your child about it!

Image result for math makes sense 7Grade seven students!  Did you know that I have provided a link in our Google classroom for your math textbook?  Try it from home first to make sure it works on your device, and if it does then you do not have to carry the heavy book back and forth!

Image result for tvo homework helpLast week some information was sent home with the grade seven students about some homework assistance that is offered for free.  If you are interested in registering or just want to check it out, click here to go to the website!

Image result for go code girlAttention grade seven girls!  If you are interested in engineering, there will be an event at the University of Windsor on October 22 that might interest you.  Check out the link here for more information.

Image result for terry foxOn Thursday, our school will participate in our annual Terry Fox walk.  Beginning today, we will accept donations of toonies, or any amount that you wish to donate to cancer research.  Please come dressed for this event on Thursday September 29 (rain date will be Friday).