Thursday, April 14, 2016

Math: Information for Parents and Educators

Image result for basic factsThe Ontario government recently announced that more money will be allotted to support mathematics instruction in the effort to raise math proficiency and test scores.  The article found using the link below articulates much of what I have believed in as a classroom teacher for 28 years:  students must know their basic facts because as they progress through the years and the work becomes more complex, they use too much of their working memory solving basic facts and have nothing left to solve the higher level thinking portions of the work. In addition, I personally believe that when students know their facts, they have much better number sense, which means that they can find factors, divisors, multiples, patterns, and so on with much more consistency.  There is nothing wrong with problem solving questions, but not at the cost of the basic facts.

Click here if you are interested in reading more.

Homework:  practise basic facts with your child(ren)!

Image result for university of windsor logoImage result for gym classUpdate on the University of Windsor physical education study:  Forms were sent home with everyone last week inviting our class to participate in an anonymous physical education study.  It will be held this Friday (tomorrow) during our gym class plus some extra time before recess, therefore extending our gym time.  Thank you to the students who have returned their forms.  If you have not yet returned them, they can still be returned tomorrow and you would be able to participate.  Those who have not returned them will not be having gym and will be completing other tasks instead. 

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