Tuesday, April 19, 2016

Lottery, Raffle, and Dress Code

Image result for lottery winnings canadian moneyThank you so much to the students who sold lottery tickets.  Some students went above and beyond and sold multiple books - that's school spirit!  Unfortunately, there are students who have not returned their ticket stubs and money and/or unsold tickets even though they were due last week.  Mr. Marenchin came into our room yesterday and spoke personally to each student who has not respected this deadline.  I asked those students to record this in their agenda so that they may comply with this request.  BY LAW (our SAC had to obtain a lottery license to run this event) all tickets and stubs must be returned.

Before wrapping
The call for items for our cupcake basket was certainly answered!  Not only did we have enough for a basket, but the SAC was able to create TWO cupcake basket raffle items.  GREAT JOB TO THE MANY STUDENTS AND FAMILIES WHO CONTRIBUTED!
one basket

another basket

Image result for dress codeDress code reminder:  With the nice weather upon us, please remember that shorts are to be knee length and t-shirts must have cap sleeves.  We do not allow tank tops and the "three finger rule" for straps does not exist.  Don't forget that we do have air conditioning in our classroom.  Thanks.
Image result for kleenexWe are currently using the last box of tissue that was so kindly donated by the families in September.  If you have not yet donated and/or if you have an extra box that you can spare, please send them to school at your earliest convenience.  We still have 2.5 months to go!  Thank you so much in advance!

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