Wednesday, April 13, 2016

Blog Math

Image result for proportional reasoningCongratulations to those who submitted their solution on time, accurate, and completed using the steps of problem solving.  Only one students needed to use recess to complete it.

The correct solution is this:
There are 24 students in all, so the denominator becomes 24.
There are 15 girls, so we can say that   15   of the class is girls.
There are 9 boys, so we can say that   9   of the class is boys.
Now we need to make equivalent fractions so that the denominator is 40 since 40 questions will be asked.
Girls:    15   =   5   =   25  
             24        8        40
Boys:    9   =   3   =   15  
            24        8         40
check:    25   +   15   =   40       Therefore the teacher should ask 
               40        40        40       the girls 25 times and the boys          
                                                  15 times.

Here is the next question.  It is due on Tuesday April 19, 2016 at 8:10 AM.  Please copy the question on a lined piece of binder paper and place it in the IN BOX by the due date.

Image result for pitcher of orange drinkWhen Sam and his friends get together, Sam makes a fizzy orange drink by mixing orange juice with soda. On Friday, Sam makes 7 liters of fizzy orange by mixing 3 liters of orange juice with 4 liters of soda. On Saturday, Sam makes 9 liters of fizzy orange by mixing 4 liters of orange juice with 5 liters of soda. Does the fizzy orange on Saturday taste the same as Friday’s fizzy orange, or different? If you think it tastes the same, explain how you can tell. If you think it tastes different, does it taste more or less orangey? Explain how you know.  Justify your thinking.

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