Friday, April 22, 2016

Growth Mindset versus Fixed Mindset?

Image result for growth mindset
A question was posed of the staff of our school at the most recent P.D.Day workshop.  DO YOU POSSESS A GROWTH MINDSET?  I thought that was a great question to ask anyone, so I would like parents and students in my class alike to think about this topic.

What is a growth mindset?  This is when anyone is in the frame of mind that they are willing, eager, and enthusiastic about learning new things.  This is when someone creates and seeks opportunities for learning and promotes their own academic growth (in any topic, subject, or area).  This could even be more of a habit that is perpetual, meaning, that this happens regularly, not just once in a while.

The opposite of growth mindset is a fixed mindset.

What is a fixed mindset?  This is when anyone is hesitant, declines the opportunity, lacks enthusiasm, and/or would rather not learn new things.  They are content with knowledge that they think they already have and do not see the need for more.  They are not interested in growth and are intimidated by change in thinking and/or habits.  They may even find learning new things too much work or effort.

Now, take these ideas into consideration and ask yourself honestly if you have a growth or fixed mindset.  I know what I would answer about each student in our class.  We have students that would fit into each of these categories.  The good news is that, since we should be lifelong learners, it is possible to develop a growth mindset if you do not already have one.  Give it a shot!

Did you know that:
-effort and difficulty while working makes you smarter?
-praise should not be given constantly, but wisely?
-we are more interested in the process of learning not the product?
-we should be creating/raising lifelong learners?
Image result for growth mindset

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