Friday, April 29, 2016

The Results Are In!

Image result for raffle ticketsThe results are in and I am pleased to report that our class sold 168 lottery tickets collaboratively!  That translates into 23 books 6 tickets.  As a result, we have earned a board game day as promised.  Stay tuned and you will be told via this blog and the agenda when that event will happen.  Special mention is extended to Alanna and Alyssa who sold seven books together, and Jason and I also sold two books each.  Thank you very much for your support!

Image result for raffle ticketsOn Tuesday each student who sold tickets placed their ballot(s) in the bags of their choice in an effort to win one of the incentive prizes.  Stay tuned, they will be announced during the WOW assembly planned for today.  Good luck everyone!

Thursday, April 28, 2016

Letters are Mailed!

On Wednesday afternoon our class walked to the local mailbox and mailed our persuasive letters.  If you remember, in an earlier blog post, we have been working on them for quite some time now.  Each student was allowed to select an issue and a real recipient in the community that could affect change related to their concern.  Each student provided contact information on their letter in the hopes that they will receive a response.  They did provide their school email address and/or their home phone number in addition to their return address.  Please be sure to let us know if they get an answer.  They could bring the letter to school so we could see it, if they get a hard copy.

Coming to a school near you... (meaning ours):

Wednesday, April 27, 2016

Blog Math

Image result for proportional reasoningCongratulations to those students who submitted their blog math on time, used the steps of the Problem Solving method, and arrived at the correct solution.  Only two students did not submit their work on time.  The answer to last week's answer was 45 laps.  This could have been done by using equivalent ratios, equivalent fractions, and/or a t-table for patterns.  I have noticed that many of the students in our class are slacking off when problem solving and are not doing the communicate step and/or are not showing all calculations.  Don't forget graphic representations too!  This is not a good time for this, especially with EQAO less than a month away.

Here is this week's question.  It is due on Tuesday May 3 at 8:10 AM.  Please copy the question on lined paper, use all of the steps of problem solving, and place it in the IN BOX.

The distance around the St. Gabriel track is approximately 350m.  On Wednesday Mrs. Colautti walked 13 laps in one hour.  What is the total distance that she walked, written in two ways?  At that rate, what was her speed in km/h?  At that rate, how long did it take her to walk one lap?  Justify your thinking.

Tuesday, April 26, 2016

Pedometer and Evaluations

Image result for black pedometerStudents from the University of Windsor came back to visit us yesterday.  They collected our surveys and distributed a pedometer, similar to the one pictured here, to each student involved in the study.  We were told how to use it and given a recording sheet.  Each student is to record the on and off time for each day this week.  The recording sheets and pedometers  will be collected on Friday.  Each student was also told NOT TO OPEN THE PEDOMETER OR TOUCH ANY BUTTONS.  This could interfere with the data collection.  Please remind your child of that and ensure that they do not get it wet as they shower daily.
recording sheet

Image result for parent signatureYesterday our class received the SWYK from unit 11 and TWO non-fiction summaries that were evaluated and require a parent signature.  Please send them back ASAP.  Thanks!

Image result for summaryeSome students continue to struggle with writing summaries.  Please encourage them to practise them at home.  They could even summarize an article from the newspaper. As I say in class, we are reading to learn, not learning to read in grade 6!  This would help build their schema too!
 The main concern is the higher level thinking portion of a summary - that is what distinguishes it from a retell.  Some students need to use more sophisticated words for condensing purposes.  Some others are including too many details or not enough.  So far we have been condensing short stories into one paragraph summaries.  Check out the anchor chart!  Today we will move on to fiction summaries.

Monday, April 25, 2016

Good News

Image result for good newsCongratulations to the following students who one the Good News ticket draw on Friday:  Aidan, Alyssa, Carlo, Joe, and Nate.  Keep earning those Good News tickets!

On Friday, Aidan and Rocco from grade 8 took us outside and taught us how to play Ga-Ga ball in the new pit.  We loved it and there was much participation, energy, and enthusiasm!  Ask your child how to play.  Check it out!

Saturday, April 23, 2016

Website Traffic

Image result for happy anniversaryToday marks the fourth anniversary of this blog.  I am happy to report that in that time, there have been over 22 213 hits resulting in over 33 834 page views from 103 countries around the world.  Even more interesting is that people from 2161 different cities across our globe (from EVERY continent) have checked out our website!  The world truly is getting smaller every day!

Friday, April 22, 2016

Growth Mindset versus Fixed Mindset?

Image result for growth mindset
A question was posed of the staff of our school at the most recent P.D.Day workshop.  DO YOU POSSESS A GROWTH MINDSET?  I thought that was a great question to ask anyone, so I would like parents and students in my class alike to think about this topic.

What is a growth mindset?  This is when anyone is in the frame of mind that they are willing, eager, and enthusiastic about learning new things.  This is when someone creates and seeks opportunities for learning and promotes their own academic growth (in any topic, subject, or area).  This could even be more of a habit that is perpetual, meaning, that this happens regularly, not just once in a while.

The opposite of growth mindset is a fixed mindset.

What is a fixed mindset?  This is when anyone is hesitant, declines the opportunity, lacks enthusiasm, and/or would rather not learn new things.  They are content with knowledge that they think they already have and do not see the need for more.  They are not interested in growth and are intimidated by change in thinking and/or habits.  They may even find learning new things too much work or effort.

Now, take these ideas into consideration and ask yourself honestly if you have a growth or fixed mindset.  I know what I would answer about each student in our class.  We have students that would fit into each of these categories.  The good news is that, since we should be lifelong learners, it is possible to develop a growth mindset if you do not already have one.  Give it a shot!

Did you know that:
-effort and difficulty while working makes you smarter?
-praise should not be given constantly, but wisely?
-we are more interested in the process of learning not the product?
-we should be creating/raising lifelong learners?
Image result for growth mindset

Thursday, April 21, 2016

VIP and Answer

On Tuesday we worked with Inspector Mizuno again.  This time she helped us understand the Youth Criminal Justice Act and the dangers of living an unlawful life even at our young ages.  We even got the change to watch surveillance videos of real thefts occurring in stores in Canada.  Many of us have decided that criminals are not usually the sharpest tack in the drawer.  We also see the link between most crime and illegal drugs.

On Tuesday we also received a written letter from Mr. Stephen S. Poloz, the Governor of the Bank of Canada himself!  He was responding to our class's letter submitting Laura Secord as a worthy candidate in the quest to find a Canadian heroine who will appear on new Canadian currency in 2018 (see blog posts from March 24 and April 4).  It is very complimentary and encouraging, but a final decision has not yet been made.  Keep your fingers crossed!  If you have not yet seen the letter we submitted, please ask your child to show you - it can be found in the "shared with me" area of their Google Drive.

Wednesday, April 20, 2016

Blog Math

Image result for proportional reasoningCongratulations to all of the students who submitted the solution to last week's problem on time (only 2 students had to work at recess) and especially to those who determined the correct answer.

Using ratios and equivalent fractions, Saturday's orange drink will taste more orange because the ratio of orange flavouring to soda is higher than Friday's ratio.

Here is this week's question.  Make sure to copy the question on a lined piece of paper and solve it using the steps of problem solving.  It is due on Tuesday April 26, 2016 at 8:10 AM.

Image result for jogger clip artTania and Suzy are running equally as fast around the track.  Tania started first.  When she had completed 9 laps, Suzy had completed 3.  When Suzy had completed 15 laps, how many had Tania completed?  Justify your thinking.

Tuesday, April 19, 2016

Lottery, Raffle, and Dress Code

Image result for lottery winnings canadian moneyThank you so much to the students who sold lottery tickets.  Some students went above and beyond and sold multiple books - that's school spirit!  Unfortunately, there are students who have not returned their ticket stubs and money and/or unsold tickets even though they were due last week.  Mr. Marenchin came into our room yesterday and spoke personally to each student who has not respected this deadline.  I asked those students to record this in their agenda so that they may comply with this request.  BY LAW (our SAC had to obtain a lottery license to run this event) all tickets and stubs must be returned.

Before wrapping
The call for items for our cupcake basket was certainly answered!  Not only did we have enough for a basket, but the SAC was able to create TWO cupcake basket raffle items.  GREAT JOB TO THE MANY STUDENTS AND FAMILIES WHO CONTRIBUTED!
one basket

another basket

Image result for dress codeDress code reminder:  With the nice weather upon us, please remember that shorts are to be knee length and t-shirts must have cap sleeves.  We do not allow tank tops and the "three finger rule" for straps does not exist.  Don't forget that we do have air conditioning in our classroom.  Thanks.
Image result for kleenexWe are currently using the last box of tissue that was so kindly donated by the families in September.  If you have not yet donated and/or if you have an extra box that you can spare, please send them to school at your earliest convenience.  We still have 2.5 months to go!  Thank you so much in advance!