Friday, January 30, 2015

Did You Know.....

Did you know that we have been studying the parts of the Roman Catholic Mass?  Today we will go to morning mass to identify the parts that we have studied so far.  It will also help us to understand better how the mass is structured and why we do the things we do during mass.  As we continue with this unit, we will finish studying the parts of the mass, we will attend a tour of Corpus Christi Church, and we will have a test.

As with anything else we learn, when students have schema (prior knowledge) they always do better at understanding the material that is presented to them.  Unfortunately, only a few of my students seem to be able to answer my questions.  For the others this information seems foreign to them.  As you know, it is an expectation of our faith that we attend weekly mass.  It would be beneficial to the students to attend weekend mass, as this will help to develop their schema, and help them identify all of the parts of the mass we have been studying.  As they know, it doesn't matter which Catholic church they attend, the readings  - and the structure - will all be the same each weekend.

Our class will also be hosting the Ash Wednesday mass that will be coming up in a few weeks, so their attendance at mass will help prepare them for that too!

See you in church!

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