Friday, January 09, 2015

More Grammar and More Tickets


Further to a previous blog, we continue to work toward sophisticating our oral and written grammar.  Here are a few more items that we continue to work toward perfecting:
1. Using the word seen correctly is important.  The word seen is a past participle (of the verb to see) that only works with a helping verb.  Therefore the correct use is "I have seen that movie before."  not "I seen that movie before."
2.  The word verse is another bone of contention.  The word verse is a noun that means part of a song, bible story, or poem.  It can also be used as a verb to mean that someone is knowledgeable about a topic.  "She is well versed in mathematics."  It cannot be correctly used to describe teams competing against each other.  I often hear students say "My team versed your team." That is incorrect.
3.  Some other slang words that are overused are:  um, stuff, and hey.
4.  It is important to use the correct preposition in the following situation:
"I dropped the plate by accident."  Often, I hear students say "on accident" instead.
5.  When we wish to express a large quantity of something, students often say the expression "way more".  Again this is slang, and it is wise to try "much more", "many more", or another appropriate expression of quantity.

 Once again, I have three pairs of Windsor Spitfire tickets that I would love to give to three of our students who would be able to use them.  The game will be held on Sunday February 1, 2015 at 2:05PM at the WFCU Centre.  They will be playing (not versing!!!!) the Belleville Bulls.  If you are interested in the tickets, please have a parent jot a note in your agenda in the Monday January 12th area and put it in the IN BOX upon arrival at school on Monday.  Good Luck!

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