Thursday, January 22, 2015

CASI Results

On Tuesday, the students received the results from the CASI reading assessment that they completed on Monday.  This assessment asks the students to read a novel text and answer eight questions that each evaluate different types of comprehension.  You will see your child's results and the assessment that was done in September as a diagnostic, during the Student-Led Conference that will be held on February 5.

Special congratulations to the following students because their reading level increased by one whole level (and that is not easy to do):  Matt, Connor, Kameron, Devon, Joey, Mahleik, Helena, Karissa, Katrina, and Brooke!  Extra special congratulations to the following students because their reading level increased by two whole levels (that is even tougher to do):  Christian and Robert!  Honourable mention is extended to Logan because of his success on his first assessment of this type.  Keep up the great work everyone!

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