Wednesday, January 07, 2015

Did You Know......

This week has been a busy one already.  We are working on a variety of initiatives in many subject areas.  Ask your child about them!
1.  Social studies research assignment - totally paperless!
2.  Movement Sequence assignment in physical education
3.  Non-fiction book talk
4.  Vocabulary of the Day
5.  Peer Pressure (VIP and health topic)
6.  Completion of math unit 6 with a test planned for next week

Make sure to check the calendar regularly, as events are added as soon as they are planned.

In addition, please ensure that your child comes to school with all necessary winter gear, daily.  They will only stay in for indoor recess in extreme conditions, according to Mr. Marenchin`s instructions.  They should have the following items daily:  boots, hat, gloves or mittens, snow pants, and warm winter coat.  There really isn't any type of protection against the cold and wind in the senior yard.  Some students attempt to stay in for recess, to avoid going outside.  With proper attire, they might enjoy the fresh air and change of scenery!  Thank you for your assistance in this matter!

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