Monday, February 02, 2015

Good News and More Good News

Congratulations to Hannah because she is last week's Good News ticket winner - twice!  Keep up the good work!

Congratulations to the WOW winners for the month of January:  Brooke and Joey!  The theme was Remarkable Literacy Responses.  Keep inferring and using other higher level characteristics in your answers!

Here are the latest vocabulary words.  The students are really bringing in some great words and more and more students are using them orally and in a variety of written tasks!  That is how we will expand our vocabulary!  We will each get a second turn after everyone has completed their first turn, so start planning for that!

P.S.  Don't forget that our final dance will be two minutes long, need props and costumes, and be choreographed to music of your choice that is approved by me!  Start planning that too!

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