Wednesday, February 25, 2015

Field Trip on the Horizon!

Image result for high school musical Our class will be travelling with the grade seven and eight classes to see Holy Names High School's production of "High School Musical" on Tuesday March 3.  This will help to satisfy some of the requirements in our drama curriculum.  The permission form was sent home yesterday.  Please submit the completed form and $5 by Friday.  Thank you very much in advance!

                                     Image result for meatless fridays
            Don't forget to try for a meatless lunch on Friday!

How are your community service requirements coming?

Have you been able to keep your Lenten promise?

Image result for math test clip artMath tests were finally returned to the students on Tuesday since the last one was completed.  Please sign them and return them as soon as possible.  Hopefully the literacy evaluations will be returned today.  I will let you know through the blog when they are.

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