Tuesday, February 24, 2015

Proportional Reasoning Results and CHOCOLATES!

Congratulations to the following students who earned one or more good news tickets for submitting one or more answers to the proportional reasoning questions that were posed on Friday's blog:  Hannah, Kameron, Helena, Karissa, Gina, Joey, Justin, Katarina, Connor, Julia, Isaac, Andrea, and Robert.  A little more than half of the class!  As with all good open response questions, there is more than one way to solve them.  So the solutions you see here are only one way to do them.  Notice that multiple steps are required and students must make all of their thinking clear to an audience.  Keep up the good work!

Here is this week's question.  Please submit it by Monday!

Image result for chocolatesIf five chocolates cost $0.75, how much do thirteen chocolates cost?  Justify your thinking.

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