Thursday, May 01, 2014

We REALLY Need To Talk!

I hope that this post's title has your attention!  It is time for another personal hygiene talk.  I have noticed that many of my students enter our classroom in the morning with offensive body odour that only gets worse as the day goes on.  Other teachers that work in our classroom have also made comments about the smell. I have had to open windows and use the fan even when it is not warm to try to deal with it.  I do not want to have to talk to people individually, but if I see that this doesn't change, I will have to.  We spend all day in a relatively small room, in close proximity to each other.  It is unreasonable to think that others enjoy being consumed by halitosis, stinky feet, and/or sour smells that are wafting fro
m some students.  PLEASE SHOWER AND CHANGE INTO CLEAN CLOTHES DAILY.  Deodorant will only work if you shower - it does not make up for a lack of hygiene.  As a matter of fact, it makes it worse.  I also notice that some students do not brush their teeth daily.  By the end of the week, some students' teeth take on an orange tinge.  It is also uncomfortable to conference with these students due to the smell.  If anyone has any questions, please ask.  We still have two months together and the weather is getting warmer................... Thank you for your consideration!

Please note:  Literacy Evaluations were finally sent home on Wednesday for parent's signature since they are now all completed. On Thursday, drama rubrics were sent home as well.  Please return them ASAP.  Some students still have not returned gym rubrics or literature circle duo tangs.  Prompt attention to this matter is greatly appreciated since they are overdue.

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